Artist Trust is a groovy organization that many of us belong to for the way they support artists. I just completed the Grants for Artists Projects application for $1500 toward supplies and an easel to begin work on "In the Hands of the Madwoman" series. My resume is slim, but the images of my paintings are top quality.
When I needed quality images of my work to apply for another grant, I got worried. I use so much metallic paint and interference, that they trick the light when photographed and wash out the other colors. Bad, bad photographs. I happened to snag Ramon when he was walking past my studio one afternoon and asked him if he knew of someone who photographed art. He turned me on to Quicksilver Photo Labs on Cornwall. It's a simple process. Take the artwork in on Wednesday; it's photographed on Thursday; and you pick up the work and the slides or CD on Friday. They do good work for a very reasonable price: $6.5o each image.
When I didn't get the award of the Fellowship Grant that Artist Trust offers, I called for feedback (always recommended). I was told that the quality of my images was good, so that wasn't the issue. The issue was probably that my work didn't spark any interest among the judges, but that's not my point. My point is that the images were good, and I love taking my work to Quicksilver for documentation.
Artist Trust grants focus 75% of the criteria on the response to the artist's work. So having it well represented is of utmost importance. Unlike some other granting organizations, the staff at Artist Trust is willing and available for questions that come up during grant writing and preparation.
I urge artists to sign up to receive Artist Trust's emailed newsletter and to become a member of this worthy organization.