Instructions for Painting
Immerse yourself in the dark
As it makes its appearance
that by nature absorbs all the light
Explore the dynamic
As it bleeds out its rivulets toward light
Let go, no need to control
Protecting the precious places
That sometimes conspire
To be essential to the composition
But also stop the whole from reaching its potential.
So grieve the beauty that was there,
declare it right
For another and different painting
Go back in as much,
As often as you need/desire/explore/see differently
Expose another dimension,
Another aspect of your truth
When you hit the wall
Sit and rock, watching your painting, and ask
“If I were going to make one more mark, where would it be
What color,
What mark-making tool to use?”
When the answer emerges
Trust and do that
Do not be fooled by aspects of
elements that bug you
Nag you
Catch you up and lie unresolved,
There’s trickery in convincing you
they work
trickery that belies a truth.
Some part of it will continue
calling out for attention.
Eventually you will heed,
What won’t be denied,
hear them telling you what
They need.
You will see a way toward resolution
And follow through.
Celebrate the moments
Adding into spans of time
As you spread the paint,
Making your mark.
Immerse yourself in the now,
Engage with what is,
Flow within spirit-canvas-paint
Exposing your truth.
Let yourself into the becoming
With All That IS,
Has Been
Or Will Ever Be
Learn when to stop
when to begin again
when to start anew
Stay curious
Trust your process
Remember who you are doing this for
Maintain your integrity
Stay truthful
Keep doing it
Even when it seems absurd
Seems meaningless
Keep doing it
It saves your spirit
Redeems your life.
So live these instructions
For creating/
For life.
--karen frances 10/21/2023